Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday: crazy random awesomeness

So we've finally reached the end of orientation week, and it seriously went out with a bang. We finished language classes and said goodbye to our awesome teacher Anjala. I can now say several useful words, though still can't really construct an actual sentence. So I end up saying things in restaurants like, "Tea. Milk, isn't it? Don't like much spicy. Little". For those of you really interested, that would sound like so: "Chiyaa. Dut, hoina? Piro manpardina. Aliali".

Anyways, so Friday was the day we finally got to get all dressed up in our saris. Two volunteers returned from trekking to Everest basecamp just in time to join us. Us girls had no clue how to put these saris on, even with much instruction, so our housekeeper kindly did it for us. We looked pretty good, I'd say. And I have never, in all my life, no matter how dressed to the nines, gotten so much male attention. Seriously ladies. Come to South Asia and put on a sari, and prepare to have litterally every male in a 6 mile radius approach you to politely tell you how gorgeous you are, and even offer to die for the sake of your beauty. No, really.

So we went to this traditional Nepali restaurant for a fancy 8 course dinner and various cultural demonstrations. One was a dance wherein the male dancer chased around the female dancer and finally caught her, threw her over his shouler, and carried her out of the room. This represents capturing a wife! And the Nepali guys we were with participated by yelling out things in Nepali, which were later translated for us to mean "Over there, get her!" and "no, no, leave her there, I'll get her!". Ah, cultural differences.

Our group seated at the chulot (dinner) on the floor,
as always.

This was one of the demonstrations. This guy brought out this
giant peacock puppet who started to peck at everyone. Then
Neer (right of the pic) was like "he's looking for money". Oh, of course.

Karen and I in our saris. How cute are we?

Our group at the chulot. Alan's on the far right in the back.
He's dressed in the traditional men's outfit.

Then we decided to just keep our saris on for the evening, since they took so long to put on in the first place, and plus we looked quite pretty. So the guys took us to a Dhori, which is a combination dance hall/concert. Basically, it's like a call and answer performance between young women and men, something about love or marriage or something. So we walked in, and we were the only women in there that weren't on stage! And the men went nuts! I'm not bragging here, people, I want you to get a feel for what went on. So one grabs my hands and starts spinning me around on the dance floor, but I have no idea how to do this dance, so it's awkward, right? So the guys started trying to show us how to do these dances, but I think we were pretty bad.
Rajiv attempting to teach me to dance. I was just following him,
so maybe I was doing the guys part? That's DC bustin' a move
on the right, and the performers in the background.

So then more men start talking loudly to Karen about how beautiful she is and Rajiv got really nervous and was like "We must leave now. These men are drunk, and you are in saris. Come." So yeah, we left after like 15 minutes there. Fun though. So then we went to Tom and Jerry's pub, still in the saris, to play pool for awhile.

Karen getting the most wear possible out of her sari.

So then (yes, the night went on) Neer tells us about the club, Cube, where all the cool locals go. It's prohibitively expensive to get in, so only the Kathmandu elite can go. But Neer, being the connected young man he is, says he knows the guy who's planned the party there and he can sneak us in. I ask, "what's the party for?" He looks at me slightly confused and answers, "...Friday." Of course. So we're waiting outside of this warehouse type building, freezing in our saris, and they open a chain link gate to let us in, but all these people start pushing me to get in, and I almost get left outside. And Neer's yelling in Nepali and pointing and me, and it's all crazy! So I get in, and we go inside, and it's this amazing fancy club, like any great club in Montreal! Definetly well hidden. So we danced until really late and had an amazing time. All in all, a freakin' awesome evening!

Karen, Rajiv, me, and Neer at Cube. Seriously, how white do
I look between those two?


Maddie said...

Em! Your sari is such a pretty colour! No wonder they were going to die for the sake of your beauty. No really. hahahaha

The Ostrich said...

What? You mean all my dance lessons didn't come in handy? Also... you may need to ask Neer and DC a few questions about whether or not they took you to a prostitute's performance. It happens.

Alexia said...

look at you rockin' the pink sari!

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm fairly certain not, since it was some culturally important thing about finding a wife...and also they would just die of embarassment before they would take us to such a place. And thanks guys, I love it too! I gotta wear it to the movies or something when I get home!

AndreaPandrea said...

to the movies? hahha. I am really living vicariously through you em. sounds like you're having a great adventure. i guess i'm having my own adventure but it includes mostly work with one day off a week. i took 2 this past weekend and went skiing (with my only injury being a blister and painful shin from small boots) and then the aquarium while i was pushed by a million kids for 3 hrs and i also went to this cool game board cafe thing. i paid for taking sunday off. apparently i'm unable to be fully prepared to teach unless i take a key and work on sundays for free. maybe i'll get better by march! miss you! keep emailing me too eh?

Anonymous said...

Those saris are beautiful! Such rich colours. Allie will be happy to see you in so many of the pictures. The costumes are lovely, but I think the men's is probably closer to my speed.