Friday, July 31, 2009

The Journey

S'up everyone? I've arrived safely in Kathmandu, after 3 long and arduous flights through various parts of the globe. Some comments:


You could see some of Germany's many windmills from the plane, which was pretty. Way to be environmentally conscious, Germans! Also, employees ride around the terminal in bicycles, and haagen daas serves stuff like coffee and pastries there. There was a suck factor though with them not wanting to tell me my gate until 10 minutes before boarding time, and some really ostentatious rich Germans who I think were laughing at a group of women in burkas.


Same as last time, but I did manage to sample some exotic local food:

It's the Emily special!

Of the three airports, I'd say Pearson was actually the nicest, which is sorta depressing in a way.

Anyways, more about actual Nepal laters!