are hundreds up there. There are thousands of written
prayers inside the wheel, so spinning it is like saying a
prayer thousands of times. Convenient, no?
the sheer number of stairs. The top of the picture does
not include the horizon, just to give you a better idea of
the angle.
over the valley. One represents wisdom, and one
represents compassion.
and flowers. Then the monkeys eat it all.
Then later that night we went to a pub in Thamel: Tom and Jerry's. We played pool most of the night. And guys, you have never played pool like the pool in this pub. The tables are all ripped up, and a series of plastic pipes run from all the holes. But the pipes are pretty rickety, so sometimes balls fall through cracks, or get stuck. Then you have to walk around the table, shaking all the pipes, or dropping other balls down to knock them through. Kathmandu billiards is quite the game of patience. I got a few good shots, and was dubbed a "#1 warrior"! Also I've never been in a bar before where you can argue about the price of drinks after you've finished them. Or where the Nepali instinct towards super-hosting makes the bartender insist you have "just one more, please, little one, please". Hee-larious.
Again - when does the actual volunteer part come into play?? Nepal sounds and looks way cool!! Love your OLD Mom
Why would the monkeys want to eat coloured paste? What's the paste made out of? Mind you, Bowie would no doubt try to eat coloured paste if he had the chance. Also, I plan to start calling you No. 1 Warrior the moment I see you in London.
400 steps? I'd still be climbing the next day. Nana is having me print some of your pictures so she can post them on her kitchen cupboard before putting them in a file she is creating. None of you this time so I didn't print any. Miss you much. Love, Aunt Judy
I don't know if there's any relation, but there is a Hindu god that takes the form of a monkey... Hanuman.
Also, so many No. 1 Warrior jokes, I don't know where to start.
Mom, she has started volunteering work but she's behind on she's posting stuff she did days ago...hence she hasn't gotten to posting about work yet. And why is it always your OLD are so weird. Anywho, Em - MONKEYS!?! Wicked!/AHHHH come no closer! Looks like it was a good thing you got those shoes after all. You're just a fountain of knowledge with all your little tidbits! Miss you!
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