looks rather put out, doesn't he?
Essentially it's a really old (like hundreds of years) piece
of wood. People nail coins to it as an offering to the toothache
god. And then they go to the dentist.
a suitcase full. I may become an independent saffron trader.
you're supposed to feed the pidgeons. You can kind of
see how freaked out I am by them here. There are way
more than you can see. Thousands, actually.
see a living goddess (but weren't allowed to take a picture
of her). Middle top. She's a 9 year old girl. The goddesses
kids here are so young, and frequently huff gas to get stoned.
It's really sad.
cows. The guys on the far left are holy men. Except they're
not. They're dudes who dress as holy men and then ask
tourists for money to take a photo. Real holy men won't let
you take their photo.
must be covered, because he is the god of bachelors and thus
is not allowed to see the:
Also, the veil is just for brides. It's pretty vegas.
The man who sold us our saris (and tailored them specifically to us) then gave us tea and cookies. Then he left his shop and took us to several different shops/stands to buy us matching bangles, tikas (those forehead jewels) and necklaces. He insisted on them matching perfectly and negotiated the best prices for us. Then back to the shop for more tea and cookies. All of this was at his insistence, by the way. It was like having a personal stylist who could only speak enough english to say "please, please" as he led you by the arm from shop to shop. Pretty hilarious, really.
More to come!
Nice update - keep 'em coming! When exactly does the volunteer part of this trip kick in??? Love your OLD Mom
I really wish that that was the sari you got. It's fabulous. Also, you should get me one. And some spices.
Forget the spices. Think of how all of your female relatives (and there are so many of us) would like a sari. They say that pink is the navy blue of India. Is that the case for Nepal as well?
Oh. MAN!
It is really quite amazing the things that aren't completely obvious to people who didn't grow up in South Asian families. OF COURSE you needed full matching jewellery for your new sari. How else would you wear it? I only worry that at some point someone will decide you need your very own personal braid extension...
Please get a braid extension. Please
OOOOOO please get me some bangles!!! Em, you sound like you're having the most awesome time! I'm so happy that it's all working out great. Kinda jealous...but I'll get my turn eventually. Again, knock off purses, wallets and bangles. Will add to list as future items are mentioned.
Maddie, trust me, you don't want the bangles. Sure, they look cool, but they're to be worn so tight that you need someone else to put them on and take them off as you grit your teeth, certain your hand is going to pop right off.
Oh, and pink might be really common in India, but it's red that you see everywhere here, since it's traditionally worn by married women, and also by the newari ethnic group. Listen to me, all knowledgable and stuff!
ok by orientation week.. do you mean vacation week? you've been there maybe 2 weeks now and it sounds like all fun and bangles. tehehe. I think i'm getting jealous... especially since I can't make it. But I might go to China instead in February since Japan didn't work out AT ALL. So i'm jealous since I think you've see more Nepal in 2 weeks than i have of korea in 6. I'm overworked, overtired, and reaching my limit, coming down with a cold after a week with 2 allnighters.
Once a week is a great update.. wish i could do the same but you know me.. i make more work for myself than needed sometimes (albeit it is ridiculously difficult to teach kindergarten with no resources but the internet!) and well there's no end to planning or researching how in the world to teach English. Emily I don't know what your plans are but I think that we seriously need to travel together in teh near future. I definitely won't be done after a year. I'll take a few months off but I'm bound to be overseas soon again... maybe somewhere I'm more likely to pick up the language. Brazil perhaps?! I'm already making contacts and met the director of my school who also was visiting the Brazil location this past year. Anyway, I might as well be writing you an email now. Take care and keep up the blogs!
Hi Emily: Great to hear your enjoying Napal. Sounds like the locals are nice and friendly. Pictures are awesome to see. When do you start your job? Bye for now, Catherine, Bert and Nicole
Everyone, I've started my placement, ok? But I'm trying to catch up on posting about a very busy orientation week! So you'll just have to wait! But yes, it was a sweet, super fun week indeed. Also, mom or judy, maybe you can show Bert Catherine and Nicole where their name goes (hee!)
trying this out Emily.....I will ne back
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