So Chitwan is a national jungle preserve, and houses pretty much all of Nepal's remaining wildlife, including endangered tigers (but those are pretty rare, and I was actually glad we didn't see any, cause: scary!). A rundown of our activities:
Day 1: Getting there
So everyone's aware of how Nepal's all mountainous, right? Good. This makes for some very twisty roads, and quite a few prayers to the god that is Gravol. Poor Rajiv hurled a couple of times, and Brian wasn't doing so good either. We made it in one piece, and in time to see a hilarious Nepali commercial shoot for cement that was filming at our hotel. We also got to see a Tharu (local ethnic group) cultural program, which involved yet another dude dressed as a peacock dancing around.
Day 2: Crazy amounts of activities
So our day started at an ungodly hour (all the better to catch wildlife) with a jungle safari on elephant back. This was super fun, until our elephants started throwing a tantrum, growling (I swear, elephants growl), pushing trees over, and running. If you've never been on a running elephant, let me tell you: it's both painful and scary.
white rhinos.
Then we got to go down to the river to participate in elephant baths! This is seriously one of the funnest things I have ever done you guys! You climb up onto the elephant (quite the feat), and then he sprays you with water from his trunk. Then he shakes you off. Then you climb back up. Repeat 5 or 6 times. Then, because Karen, Ronnie and I were pretty excited at the first water we'd seen in Nepal, we went swimming for awhile. And we tried to teach Rajiv and DC how to swim. Let me tell you, the sight of two men in their late 20's frantically dog-paddling like little kids in about 2 feet of water? Priceless. Then Karen got sick all night because it's hard not to swallow some river water when you're being hurled from an elephant's back, but even she agrees it was worth it.
Then (yes, this is still day 2), after lunch, we took a canoe-ride down the crocodile infested rivers while Brian screamed like a girl every time the canoe rocked 3 inches.
Japanese girl, Ronnie, Me, Rajiv and Ram (our guide)
maybe Brian was justified.
We followed up the canoe ride with a very hot and tiring jungle walk, where we saw a few giant deer and got bit by many mosquitoes. The walk ended at the elephant breeding center, which was awesome.
After that day we were exhausted, as you can imagine. We went down to a river-side café and chilled out, and then fell into bed.
Day 3: Chilling and driving
The last day was spent wandering around the town and taking photographs. I managed to hold a puppy, a kitten, and a baby goat all in one morning. These incidents were in no way related, but it seems Chitwan is a baby animal paradise. Then we managed a puke-free ride back to Kathmandu. All in all, a freaking amazing time.
I am soooooo jealous. Miss you and be careful of those rhino's. I hear they get more locals then the 6' chomper.
You're going to send that elephant picture to cute overload, aren't you?
Wow Em, It sounds like you are having an awesome time! I am jealous...Can't wait to see you when you come home. Love ya!
Wow Em - awesome stuff! Believe it or not, I rode an elephant once - many, many years ago at Boblo Island. They smell. You're Dad says you are "whiter" than the White Rhinos - let them legs see some sun girl! Love ya, your OLD Mom
Dude, that guy's hand was RIGHT on your ass! Did no one else notice that? Anywho, looks awesome! Please get off the Elephants when they start pushing over trees...or maybe they would just run you down or something...stop almost getting trampled by elephants!!
Great pictures! I showed your blog to Allison again and she assured me that you were using more pictures because she had told you to. She was quite confident of that. You also might want to tell your sister to get her mind out of the gutter, cuz it looks to me like that guy had his hand out to steady you if you started to fall and wasn't really touching you at all. Miss you much.
Hi Emily - I was searching the net for info (blog-like) re: Nepal as my fiance and I are considering it for ur honeymoon in october. Thanks for the info about Chitwan -a must see! Was thinking Chitwan, katmandu and maybe Pokhara we have 10 days. Would LOVE to know your first-habd opinion. Also how long it took you by ca from Chitwas - Katmandu....Thankyou!! Daria Johnson
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