Monday, December 17, 2007

It's's travel time!

Seriously, April has ruined my life with this.

Anyways, We're getting down to the final days...exciting and scary! Scareciting? And I think I'm finally covered on the ridiculous amount of preparation:

All the immunization records, personal identification, visas, e-tickets, pills for the e-coli I'm bound to contract, blah, blah, paperwork-cakes.

However, I'm so over 2007 and I'm very happy to skip this year's Ottawa winter, especially since the view from my apartment windows looks like this:

At least in that window you get 2 inches or so of sky. Check this one:

Wherein you can see exactly nothing because the sidewalk-plows have thoughtfully deposited a massive pile of snow onto my front yard, which grows larger every time it snows. Which is every day. 'Mound' (as April has affectionately dubbed him) is already blocking half of the 1st floor's windows and will no doubt grow taller than the house itself whilst I am away. So good luck with that house-mates, cause I'm off!


Anonymous said...


Maddie said...

Nice phone message from Kathmandu, we couldn't understand a word you said! We did hear that you got there SAFE so that's good i guess. Please phone and e-mail soon! Miss you already!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there's a delay on the phone, which I didn't understand during that first call. The real question is why didn't you pick up the phone at 3am or whatever it was there?

April said...

Dude, just wait 'til you see Mound Jr. (near the garbage hut) and Little Mound (on the other half of the front lawn). The family keeps growing!